82 produtores de biodiesel recebem pagamentos adiantados da USDA

(Notícia em Inglês)
The USDA has announced payments to 156 advanced biofuel producers under the department’s Bioenergy Program for Advanced Biofuels. According to information released by the department, 82 of those 156 producers are receiving payments under the program for biodiesel production.

The Bioenergy Program for Advanced Biofuels, which is currently funded under the Energy Title of the 2008 Farm Bill, provides payments to produces in an effort to support and expand the production of advanced biofuels. Payments made to eligible producers are based on the amount of biofuel that is produced from renewable biomass, other than corn kernel starch. Eligible feedstocks include cellulose; crop residue; animal, food and yard waste materials; biogas; vegetable oils; animal fats; and sugarcane.
