Florida Biodiesel Inc. poupará aos condutores até 15% no custo dos combustíveis

(Notícia em Inglês)
Dirt, varnish buildup, corrosion, and carbon deposits restrict the flow of air and fuel to automobile engines. These conditions can cause poor fuel economy and increased emissions. The HEC1 Engine Decarbonizing Machine is designed to completely clean the entire fuel system including the fuel Injectors, intake valves, pistons, cylinder head, exhaust port, throttle plate, and throttle valve.

“The Florida Biodiesel, Inc. Hydrogen Engine Cleaner is a significant advance in automotive technology. The HEC1 decarbonizing treatment restores the fuel system to its original specifications for maximum performance,” says W. Gehrs President of Florida Biodiesel, Inc. “The resulting fuel savings of up to 15% can make a real difference in the daily cost of driving.”
