Produtor de biodiesel espera dobrar produção

(Notícia em Inglês)
The Solid Energy-owned company that makes biodiesel from canola expects to double production, buoyed by the work of a pair of Otago Polytechnic-backed southern fuel consortiums.

Biodiesel New Zealand's Christchurch plant has doubled Biogold production to 2 million litres in the past six months and expects to double it again in the next year, general manager Andrew Simcock said.

The work of the Queenstown Biodiesel Consortium, and the potential of the just-established consortium in Dunedin, boded well for continued growth in the biofuel market.

"Customer demand is growing, and initiatives like those help that demand grow. We're going through an exciting phase for biofuels in New Zealand," Mr Simcock said.»