(Notícia em inglês)
"Bill Gates and Exxon Mobil invested in oil-producing algae, hoping that through genetic engineering, algae could produe ready to use gasoline or diesel. Algae also absob carbon dioxide and release oxygen, making it a double whammy for the ones in fear of global warming. Who needs it the most? China. Does China want the technology? Yes. Are we asking for your suggestions or tips? Yes!." Samuel Chong, December 7, 2009
The problem? China does not have, or yet to have the research and development capability to genetically engineer the kind of algae that produces gasoline that meets ASTM standars.
"Bill Gates and Exxon Mobil invested in oil-producing algae, hoping that through genetic engineering, algae could produe ready to use gasoline or diesel. Algae also absob carbon dioxide and release oxygen, making it a double whammy for the ones in fear of global warming. Who needs it the most? China. Does China want the technology? Yes. Are we asking for your suggestions or tips? Yes!." Samuel Chong, December 7, 2009
The problem? China does not have, or yet to have the research and development capability to genetically engineer the kind of algae that produces gasoline that meets ASTM standars.